ASI will be known for:
- Provision of development opportunities enabling ASI members to excel in the ministry of service to God and fellow-men.
- Transformation of Adventist businesses and professions so that they fulfill their unique role as God’s helping hands and agents of God’s end-time mission.
- Revitalization and regeneration of local communities so that they could be self-reliant.
ASI and its members will be known for their unswerving honesty in business principles and practices, unflagging participation in the various ministries of the Church, unwavering positiveness toward Church leadership, unhesitating provision for the needs of others, and untiring focus on the Christ they represent in the market place.
ASI is an organization for Seventh-day Adventist Church members who work in the private sector, in business and professional vocations. The foundation for ASI was laid in 1945 when the General Conference at the Fall Council recommended the formation of ASI organisation.
The inspiration for the organisation was gained from biblical principles echoed in Ellen White writings:
“When men of business, farmers, mechanics, merchants, lawyers, etc, become members of the church they become servants of Christ, and although their talents may be entirely different, their responsibility to advance the cause of God by personal effort, and with their means, is no less than that which rests upon the minister ” (E G White, Testimonies For The Church vol. 4 p468).
Our History
ASI Launch (1947)
The foundation for ASI was laid in 1945 when the General Conference at the Fall Council recommended the formation of ASI organization. The inspiration for the organization was gained from biblical principles echoed in Ellen White writings: “When men of business, farmers, mechanics, merchants, lawyers, etc, become members of the church they become servants of Christ, and although their talents may be entirely different, their responsibility to advance the cause of God by personal effort, and with their means, is no less than that which rests upon the minister.” (EG White, Testimonies for the Church vol.4 p468).
Eventually, 1n 1947 the ASI was formally launched as an organization. Since then the ASI organization has continued to unify SDA workers around the world and to promote strong ties and cooperation with the church. In addition, ASI has sponsored many mission projects that have uplifted and supported many of God’s children world-wide.
ASI-SAU LAUNCH (23-26 October 2009)
On 18 May 2003, the Southern Africa Union conference (SAU) Executive Committee, took a historic action (245) which included a process towards the formation of the Adventist Professional & Business Association (APROBA). In June 2007, the Committee further took action 07-174 which provided for the realignment of APROBA with the General Conference ASI Model. The ASI was launched in SAU Head Office on 23-25 October 2008.